Initiation to the training method
Initiation to training All parrots love
to insert objects inside other objects. It is a natural game to them.
The goal here is to teach them to do it on COMMAND. The Teach Box is
rewarding for the bird because it is easy to do. The Teach Box includes
discs and coins. As you will notice, the game presents openings on top
and has no bottom. The Teach Box is, in fact, 2 games in 1. The Teach
Box is a game of initiation to training. With this game, the bird
“learns how to learn” and gives you the opportunity to initiate with
him, the ritual of the “training session” (see preparation). The bird
will expect to learn and play each time you install him on the training
Acrylic thickness 3/16in- suitable for large to extra large sized birds.
Please watch this video:
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Web : www.poicephalus.de
Made in Canada by Fun Max.