Featured Products
Planet Pleasures Pinatas are sure to please with their total shredability! 9" x 3" Suitable for small to intermediate-sized birds
A great shredable bird kabob. 1.5 x 11". Made from natural, soft Yucca slices. Great for small birds. Made by Wesco.
This one is super special. Suitable for small birds. This swing is almost completely shredable! There is nothing like it! Lots of Yucca pieces and a split yucca slice for the perch. 13.5" x 9"
Strands and strands of palm fiber. This toy is sure to please your bird who loves to shred or pick at things. 7.5" - Add a bell to this toy for $.55!
This terrific bird toy overflows with play options to keep birds busy with swinging, shredding, chewing, foraging, climbing activities and more! This bird toy is all-natural, hand-made, earth friendly and pesticide free. Chock full of fun and...
This Parrot Pinata is brightly colored and fun to chew. Ideal for chewing and shredding activity. It's alll-natural, hand-made, earth friendly and pesticide free. 1x3x10 - Suitable for intermediate to medium-sized birds
Two pod cups gently covered by coconut discs with vine maracas and palm shredders. Fill with your bird's favorite treat and watch their natural instincts take over! 9" long and suitable for small to intermediate-sized birds.
Little 1/2 bamboo chews and natural vine balls on a stainless steel wire base. Perfect for small-sized birds. 6" long.
2" coloured balsa sllices, palm shredders and a natural vine ball in the centre. Perfect for small-sized birds. 7-1/2" long.
Bamboo chews, palm shredders and pine spoons on a stainless steel wire. Perfect for small-sized birds. 7"
1/4" coloured pine slats, mini vine stars and hardwood beads on paper rope. Perfect for small to intermediate-sized birds. 10" long
Lots of super thin balsa slices on a stainless steel wire. Great for little beaks. 6.5" long.
A cute mini 1.5" duck with 4 strands of 1.5" vine balls and balsa slices. Measures 7" long and is suitable for intermediate-sized birds.
A mini version of our best seller Derek's Delight . Made from 1-1/4 non-toxic cardboard circles with natural paper slices, and 1" balsa squarz. Great as a shredder! Measures 8" long and is suitable for small-sized birds.