Supplies & Enrichment for Birds & Small Animals
The China Prairie Swag Bag is an excellent way to try some of our must have favorites! A generous supply of these nutritionally diverse products!
The same 9 minerals in the same concentration as the manu clay deposits deep in the Amazon rainforest. Contains calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium. Calcium is needed for strong bones, proper...
Multi-vitamin supplement enriched with amino acids and trace elements for all cage birds. The animal body is like a machine in that it needs "parts", catalysts and "fuel" if it is to function properly. These substances are called nutrients and...
AviCalm is an avian specific formulation using a compound found in green tea leaves. Use for screamers, nervous or aggressive birds: For behavior related feather pickers and chewers. ? ? Usage : Small Birds (Cockatiels, Budgies, Finches, etc) -...